Here is our Music Video:

Below are the front panels of our digipak:

Below are the outside panels to our digipak.

Below are the outside panels to our digipak.

Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

Click on the image below to access our website.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Construction Post 6: Week 6 Website post-production


Overall working on the website was very successful, I found that I was most comfortable when doing this task.  We used Wix which had a very convenient and simple format which made it easy to use. It had many features that made up a professional website, for example the built in code which showcased different social media feeds and the available online store template which we used for the merchandise section of our website.

To see the website, use this link on a separate page.

1. Lots of interactive opportunities
2. Online store - For merchandising
3. Information - To allow the audience to have an in depth view of the artist


1. I had the task of setting up the website and creating the various pages: Home, About Me, Music, Tour, News and Shop. I completed the header which featured the menu bar and the social media links.
2. I designed the overall look of the "About Me" page - I included different types of reviews from magazines, companies and artists. As well as designing an interactive question and answer section with images from our photoshoot. I also included an Instagram feed with photos I edited using photoshop as well as the "Picsart" application.
3.  I included the correct links to the social media pages Twitter and Instagram. I added all the pictures on the Instagram and edited them on various photo edit applications. I also added all the tweets on the Twitter feed

4. I designed the overall look of the "News" page -  I included promotional content for upcoming live performances as well as meet and greets. I also included a twitter feed so that consumers could see more frequent updates.
5. I set up the final online store with the merchandise as well as adding each products information such as how it should be washed, what it is made out of, if it was on sale etc, refund policy and the shipping policy.


I spoke to people who are apart of our primary and secondary target audience and asked them for their opinion on the website we created.

They thought that focal images on all of our respective pages were very good, vibrant and that it looked extremely professional. They were very impressed with the editing of the photo. Making the focal images very popular.

They appreciated the fact that the social media links were readily available on every page so that they could click it if they wished to without any issues.

They thought navigation was hard as some of the pages weren't correctly linked - this issue was fixed after going through each page and its settings. Other than this they believed that the website was very clear, nothing that was written confused them at all.

They all thought that the about me page was a nice touch however they thought I should make it more interactive - prior to the change all the question and answers were written out without any images or interactivity. I fixed this according to the advice I was given, overall this was very useful as adding an engaging about me page definitely made our website all the more interesting and unique.

Overall: I am happy with the advice and feedback that we were given as a lot of it we were aware of and knew could be easily fixed. After implementing the feedback our website was now new and improved, even better and easier to use.


> Problem 1: The header menu was inconsistent as buttons were linked to multiple pages when it should have been linked to only one 

This meant that the menu on the header did not always correspond to the page that the fan would want. This inconsistency was very problematic as it meant that if a fan were to use our website and they clicked on a specific button and wanted to go to a different one they may or may not reach it, overall reducing audience satisfaction. This issue made our website look unorganised and as a result unprofessional. To overcome this issue we made sure 1 button was linked with 1 page rather than however many pages and that it was linked to the same page no matter what.
This is how we linked it to the correct page 
> Problem 2 : The shop set up meant that when we included text on the page with the payment section the text would show up unwanted on the page which had the product images

This ruined the overall look of the shop as writing would be covering the images that needed to be exposed to the fans. We found no way around this, this issue combined with problem 2.5 meant that we needed to start from scratch

> Problem 2.5 : The shop set up meant that we were limited in the content we could include

The original online store template that we had did not allow us to include important product information that a fan may want to know when ordering merchandise, such as shipping policy and refund policy. To overcome this and problem 2 we decided to start from scratch and use a different shop template to provide the best level of service.

> Problem 3: Setting up social media links - our twitter account was suspended

After creating our social media account for twitter it soon got suspended as it was reported as spam as there was zero activity on it for over a week. This issue was not detrimental as we simply made a new one, although this delayed the social media aspect of our website it did not affect our project heavily.

In conclusion 

I am happy with the overall product that is our website, I had a great time learning how to use Wix and creating the social media sites and much more. I think that the overall website is very coherent and synergetic as it follows the aesthetic of our music video as well as the album cover.

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