Here is our Music Video:

Below are the front panels of our digipak:

Below are the outside panels to our digipak.

Below are the outside panels to our digipak.

Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

Click on the image below to access our website.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Evaluation Q4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used a range of different types of technologies from the beginning (research and planning) to the end (evaluation) of the project. The outcome of this was three very effective and successful media products.

Below is a (web tool) of the technologies we used in research and planning, construction and evaluation.

Pre-Production (Research and Planning)
Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in research and planning

Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in the production side of our project

Made with Padlet


Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in post-production. 


Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in the evaluation side.


Overall, I am now aware of the amount of time and effort which goes into making a successful and professional music video, digital pack and website. Technology was very important for the project because it allowed us to research, communicate and produce products. I learnt how to use a lot of new technology as well as developing my skills on the ones that I was already familiar with. I also learnt how to use the studio equipment, Photoshop and Wix, which was very rewarding. I was very happy to further develop my editing skills on Premiere Pro. 

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