Below is a (web tool) of the technologies we used in research and planning, construction and evaluation.
Pre-Production (Research and Planning)
Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in research and planning
Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in the production side of our project
Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in the production side of our project
Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in post-production.
Below is a prezi on the pros and cons of the technology we used in the evaluation side.
Overall, I am now aware of the amount of time and effort which goes into making a successful and professional music video, digital pack and website. Technology was very important for the project because it allowed us to research, communicate and produce products. I learnt how to use a lot of new technology as well as developing my skills on the ones that I was already familiar with. I also learnt how to use the studio equipment, Photoshop and Wix, which was very rewarding. I was very happy to further develop my editing skills on Premiere Pro.
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