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Friday 27 October 2017

R+P Post 5: The kind of video I would like to make

The video I would like to make, if I had complete control would be one that has a 1970s aesthetic with graceful lighting and orange tint filters, so it would be very abstract. Here are some images of music videos with the specific grading that I find ideal.
I would also have a narrative based music video that would be fun, easy-going and light. As well as this I would like for my audience to connect with the narrative and find it relatable, as it would be carried by themes of love, youthfulness and timelessness. Here are some example videos that follow a similar theme and that also have a very strong emotional tone throughout.

In terms of lighting effects, I would love to use glares to mirror sunrays which would help add to the ‘dreamy’ effect. As well as this, incorporating strobe lights would be fun as well giving a careless and casual yet mechanical sense. In terms of natural lighting, shooting during sunrise would be striking and most ideal as it helps to create this idea of ‘the beginning’, which would help set the scene of the narrative. Also the colour choice and the orange tint filter will help to reflect the meaning behind the song and bring in elements of nostalgia. Below are some gifs to help illustrate my ideas. 

In conclusion, the music video that I would like to make is one that is full of depth, character and sentiment. This would be conveyed through narrative choice, lighting choice and grading.

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